"The Promise of Humanity"

Inks on carved wood, 22x24x8 inches
April 12, 2020

Our ancient World Mythologies have delved the human consciousness and have spelled out all the lessons of forthright vs. duplicitous action. Religions and spiritual codas warn against our vices. The books have been written. The movies have been made. The songs have been sung. The visions of the poets are out there. The best of us have decried and warned us against ourselves. When will our blindness end? Love is the only thing that equals survival.

“Mother Wisdom”

Inks on carved wood, 22x24x8 inches
April 12, 2020

During this new corona virus pandemic the countries run by female leaders are doing the best among the worlds many populations. This is not coincidence. Matriarchal systems will lead us to the profound social change that is needed. As the world faces hunger, war, toxic environments, massive refugee populations and viral pandemics it is the children and the wild ecosystems, along with their precious flora and fauna, which matters. Are our progeny destined to suffering and annihilation along with world they will inherit from us? The mothers of the world care, familial instinct and perspective will make change for the better. Community thrives where it is most valuable and is organized to support it.

“Listening to The Wind”

Inks on carved wood, 22x24x8 inches
April 12, 2020

Water is essential, nothing can live without it, and yet there are places in the world where the main, and sometimes only, water source is polluted and unfit to drink. The air is unfit to breathe and the ground is poisoned. Global greed has lead to the catastrophic situations we find ourselves in; droughts, loosed biohazards, plagues, rainforest forest destruction, animal extinction, devastating temperature and violent weather. The polar caps are melting and the oceans are rising as our mother earth has begun to literally shake us off. What if anything will survive? My heart goes out especially to the young, the indigenous peoples, wild animals and plants, I hate that our “civilizations”, our comforts, our entropy, selfishness, and lack of connective consciousness is taking the innocent down with us. is taking the innocent down with us.

I began the conceptualization of this project in late 2019. It has been the soul focus of my daily art practice since January of this year. When I began with my ideas and drawings my first thoughts went to depicting all the horrors that are happening to our planet and world population due to the misuse of our environment. Images of injustices and sufferings of people, animals and natural environments are all around us, as are the facts, data and books and articles. I have painted these things for years; sometimes subtle and other times glaring in their messages. Along the way I decided I would focused on themes that could potentially suggest a way forward. I hope to join with international artists, especially post Covid-19’s ruinous grasp, to lure with beauty a newly forged vision to change our current direction of environmental destruction.